
Metadata hierarchy: MDWT_Adventure_Works_Demo ยป MDWT_AdventureWorksDW

Attributes in DimCustomer

Column NameData TypeIs KeyShort description
CustomerKeyintSurrogate primary key
BKAccountNumbervarcharAccount Number from the transaction system
CustomerTypecharThe type of the customer based on our relationship
CustomerIDNamevarcharCustomer full name (Last, First Middle) prepended with CustomerID
CustomerTitlecharCourtesy title
FirstNamevarcharCustomer's first name
MiddleNamevarcharCustomer's middle name (often NULL)
LastNamevarcharCustomer's last name
CustomerFullNamevarcharCustomer's full name as Last, First Middle
BirthDatedatetimeCustomer's date of birth
MaritalStatuscharCustomer's marital status
GendercharCustomer's gender
EmailAddressvarcharCustomer's email address
IncomeRangevarcharCustomer's annual Income
TotalChildrentinyintCustomer's total number of children
NumberChildrenAtHometinyintCustomer's number of children at home
EducationvarcharCustomer's education level
OccupationvarcharCustomer's general occupation (eg Managerial)
HomeOwnerStatusvarcharIs the customer a homeowner?
NumberCarsOwnedtinyintNumber of cars the customer owns
DateFirstPurchasedatetimeDate person first purchased a bike (self-reported)
CommuteDistancevarcharCustomer's average commute distance
CustomerValueScorevarcharCustomer's current lifetime value score to AdventureWorks
PhonevarcharCustomer's phone number
AddressLine1varcharFirst line of customer's address
AddressLine2varchar2nd line of customer's address (usually NULL)
PostalCodevarcharPostal code, eg zip code
CityvarcharCity, cleaned up by way of postal code
CityAsRecordedvarcharCity as it actually exists in the source system
StateProvinceCodecharState or Province code
StateProvincevarcharState or Province
CountryCodecharCountry code
ResellerNamevarcharReselling store's name
BusinessTypevarcharReseller's business type
BKCustomerSalesTerritoryIdintNatural key for the customer's current sales territory
CustomerSalesTerritoryvarcharCustomer sales territory
CustomerSalesTerritoryCountryvarcharCustomer sales territory country
CustomerSalesTerritoryGroupvarcharCustomer sales territory group
NumberEmployeesintNumber of employees at the store
AnnualSalesmoneyStore's annual sales, self-reported
AnnualRevenuemoneyStore's annual revenue, self-reported
YearOpenedintYear the store opened
BankNamevarcharStore's bank name
OrderFrequencycharDoes this reseller tend to order Annually, Semiannually, or Quarterly?
CurrentStoreValueScorecharCurrent store value to AdventureWorks
FirstOrderDatedatetimeDate store first ordered from us
LastOrderDatedatetimeDate store most recently ordered from us
RowIsCurrentcharIs this the current row for this member (Y/N)?
RowStartDatedatetimeWhen did this row become valid for this member?
RowEndDatedatetimeWhen did this row become invalid? (12/31/9999 if current row)
RowChangeReasonvarcharWhy did the row change last?

Internal data warehouse auditing attributes

Column NameData Type