
Metadata hierarchy: MDWT_Adventure_Works_Demo ยป MDWT_AdventureWorksDW

Attributes in AuditPkgExecution

Column NameData TypeIs KeyShort description
PkgExecKeyintSurrogate primary key
PkgNamevarcharName of the package
PkgGUIDuniqueidentifierGUID for the package
PkgVersionGUIDuniqueidentifierPackage version GUID
PkgVersionMajorsmallintPackage major version
PkgVersionMinorsmallintPackage minor version
ExecStartDTdatetimeDatetime package execution began
ExecStopDTdatetimeDatetime package execution ended
SuccessfulProcessingIndcharDid package execution complete without error?
ParentPkgExecKeyintLink to the row for the master package execution that called this package

Internal data warehouse auditing attributes

Column NameData Type