Metadata hierarchy: MDWT_Adventure_Works_Demo ยป MDWT_AdventureWorksDW
Column Name | Data Type | Is Key | Short description |
CustomerKey | int | Surrogate primary key | |
BKAccountNumber | varchar | Account Number from the transaction system | |
CustomerType | char | The type of the customer based on our relationship | |
CustomerIDName | varchar | Customer full name (Last, First Middle) prepended with CustomerID | |
CustomerTitle | char | Courtesy title | |
FirstName | varchar | Customer's first name | |
MiddleName | varchar | Customer's middle name (often NULL) | |
LastName | varchar | Customer's last name | |
CustomerFullName | varchar | Customer's full name as Last, First Middle | |
BirthDate | datetime | Customer's date of birth | |
MaritalStatus | char | Customer's marital status | |
Gender | char | Customer's gender | |
EmailAddress | varchar | Customer's email address | |
IncomeRange | varchar | Customer's annual Income | |
TotalChildren | tinyint | Customer's total number of children | |
NumberChildrenAtHome | tinyint | Customer's number of children at home | |
Education | varchar | Customer's education level | |
Occupation | varchar | Customer's general occupation (eg Managerial) | |
HomeOwnerStatus | varchar | Is the customer a homeowner? | |
NumberCarsOwned | tinyint | Number of cars the customer owns | |
DateFirstPurchase | datetime | Date person first purchased a bike (self-reported) | |
CommuteDistance | varchar | Customer's average commute distance | |
CustomerValueScore | varchar | Customer's current lifetime value score to AdventureWorks | |
Phone | varchar | Customer's phone number | |
AddressLine1 | varchar | First line of customer's address | |
AddressLine2 | varchar | 2nd line of customer's address (usually NULL) | |
PostalCode | varchar | Postal code, eg zip code | |
City | varchar | City, cleaned up by way of postal code | |
CityAsRecorded | varchar | City as it actually exists in the source system | |
StateProvinceCode | char | State or Province code | |
StateProvince | varchar | State or Province | |
CountryCode | char | Country code | |
Country | varchar | Country | |
ResellerName | varchar | Reselling store's name | |
BusinessType | varchar | Reseller's business type | |
BKCustomerSalesTerritoryId | int | Natural key for the customer's current sales territory | |
CustomerSalesTerritory | varchar | Customer sales territory | |
CustomerSalesTerritoryCountry | varchar | Customer sales territory country | |
CustomerSalesTerritoryGroup | varchar | Customer sales territory group | |
NumberEmployees | int | Number of employees at the store | |
AnnualSales | money | Store's annual sales, self-reported | |
AnnualRevenue | money | Store's annual revenue, self-reported | |
YearOpened | int | Year the store opened | |
BankName | varchar | Store's bank name | |
OrderFrequency | char | Does this reseller tend to order Annually, Semiannually, or Quarterly? | |
CurrentStoreValueScore | char | Current store value to AdventureWorks | |
FirstOrderDate | datetime | Date store first ordered from us | |
LastOrderDate | datetime | Date store most recently ordered from us | |
RowIsCurrent | char | Is this the current row for this member (Y/N)? | |
RowStartDate | datetime | When did this row become valid for this member? | |
RowEndDate | datetime | When did this row become invalid? (12/31/9999 if current row) | |
RowChangeReason | varchar | Why did the row change last? |
Column Name | Data Type |
AuditKey | int |