
Metadata hierarchy: MDWT_Adventure_Works_Demo ยป MDWT_AdventureWorksDW

Attributes in DimDate

Column NameData TypeIs KeyShort description
DateKeyintSurrogate primary key
FullDatedatetimeFull date as a SQL date (time=00:00:00)
DateNamecharString expression of the full date in users' favored format
DayOfWeektinyintNumber of the day of week; Sunday = 1
DayNameOfWeekcharDay name of week
DayOfMonthtinyintNumber of the day in the month
DayOfYearsmallintNumber of the day in the year
WeekdayWeekendcharIs today a weekday or a weekend
WeekOfYeartinyintWeek of year
MonthNamecharMonth name
MonthOfYeartinyintMonth of year
IsLastDayOfMonthcharIs this the last day of the calendar month?
CalendarQuartertinyintCalendar quarter
CalendarYearsmallintCalendar year
CalendarYearMonthcharCalendar year and month
CalendarYearQtrcharCalendar year and quarter
FiscalMonthOfYeartinyintFiscal month of year (1..12). FY starts in July
FiscalQuartertinyintFiscal quarter
FiscalYearintFiscal year. Fiscal year begins in July.
FiscalYearMonthcharFiscal year and month
FiscalYearQtrcharFiscal year and quarter
AuditKeyintWhat process loaded this row?

Internal data warehouse auditing attributes

Column NameData Type