
Metadata hierarchy: MDWT_Adventure_Works_Demo ยป MDWT_AdventureWorksDW

Attributes in DimEmployee

Column NameData TypeIs KeyShort description
EmployeeKeyintSurrogate primary key
BKEmployeeIDintEmployee ID used in the transaction system
NationalIDNumbercharNational ID Number (eg SSN) for employee
EmployeeIDNamevarcharEmployee full name prepended with national ID# (eg SSN)
EmployeeFullNamevarcharEmployee full name: last, first middle
EmployeeFirstNamevarcharEmployee's first name
EmployeeLastNamevarcharEmployee's last name
EmployeeMiddleNamevarcharEmployee's middle name
BKManagerIDintManager ID used in the transaction system
ManagerFullNamevarcharManager's full name
ManagerEmailvarcharManager's email address
BirthDatedatetimeEmployee's birth date
MaritalStatuscharWhat is the employee's marital status?
GendercharWhat is the employee's gender?
IsSalariedcharIs the employee salaried?
IsCurrentEmployeecharIs this person currently an employee?
IsSalesPersoncharIs the employee a sales person?
JobTitlevarcharEmployee's job title
DepartmentIDintDepartment ID from the source system
DepartmentGroupvarcharDepartment group
BKCurrentSalesTerritoryIdintNatural key for the employee's current sales territory
CurrentSalesTerritoryvarcharCurrent sales territory
CurrentSalesTerritoryCountryvarcharCurrent sales territory country
CurrentSalesTerritoryGroupvarcharCurrent sales territory group
BKHistoricalSalesTerritoryIdintNatural key for the employee's historical sales territory
HistoricalSalesTerritoryvarcharHistorical sales territory
HistoricalSalesTerritoryCountryvarcharHistorical sales territory country
HistoricalSalesTerritoryGroupvarcharHistorical sales territory group
HireDatedatetimeDate employee was hired
EmploymentEndDatedatetimeDate employment ended; 12/31/9999 if a current employee
LoginIDvarcharEmployee's login ID
EmployeeEmailvarcharEmployee's email address
EmployeePhonevarcharPhone number
RowIsCurrentcharIs this the current row for this member (Y/N)?
RowStartDatedatetimeWhen did this row become valid for this member?
RowEndDatedatetimeWhen did this row become invalid? (12/31/9999 if current row)
RowChangeReasonvarcharWhy did the row change last?
AuditKeyintWhat process loaded this row?

Internal data warehouse auditing attributes

Column NameData Type