Metadata hierarchy: MDWT_Adventure_Works_Demo ยป MDWT_AdventureWorksDW
Column Name | Data Type | Is Key | Short description |
ProductKey | int | Key to Product dimension | |
CustomerKey | int | Key to Customer dimension | |
OrderDateKey | int | Key to Date dim | |
DueDateKey | int | Key to Date dim | |
OrderInfoKey | smallint | Key to OrderInfo dimension | |
PromotionKey | smallint | Key to Promotion dimension | |
CurrencyKey | smallint | Key to Currency dim | |
SalesRepKey | int | Key to Employee dimension | |
InsertAuditKey | int | Key to Audit dimension for row insertion | |
UpdateAuditKey | int | Key to Audit dim for row last updated | |
SalesOrderNum | int | Sales order number from trxn system | |
SalesOrderLineNum | int | Sales order line number | |
SalesOrderRevisionNum | tinyint | Sales order revision number | |
OrderQty | smallint | Quantity of this item in this order | |
UnitPriceUSD | money | Standard price for this item | |
ExtendedAmtUSD | money | Price * Quantity | |
UnitPriceDiscountPct | float | Discount % applied to this line item in this order, if any | |
DiscountUSD | money | Discount in US Dollars | |
ProductStdCostUSD | money | Product's cost of goods sold | |
TotalProductCostUSD | money | COGS * Quantity | |
SalesAmtUSD | money | ExtendedAmt adjusted for discounts (LineTotal from the trxn system) | |
SalesAmtLocal | money | Sales Amount, in local currency | |
TaxUSD | money | Tax Amount, prorated across items in the order | |
TaxLocal | money | Tax Amount, in local currency | |
FreightUSD | money | Freight Amount, prorated across items in the order | |
FreightLocal | money | Freight Amount, in local currency | |
CustomerPONum | varchar | Purchase Order Number from the transaction system |
Column Name | Data Type |