
Metadata hierarchy: MDWT_Adventure_Works_Demo ยป MDWT_AdventureWorksDW

Attributes in FactOrders

Column NameData TypeIs KeyShort description
ProductKeyintKey to Product dimension
CustomerKeyintKey to Customer dimension
OrderDateKeyintKey to Date dim
DueDateKeyintKey to Date dim
OrderInfoKeysmallintKey to OrderInfo dimension
PromotionKeysmallintKey to Promotion dimension
CurrencyKeysmallintKey to Currency dim
SalesRepKeyintKey to Employee dimension
InsertAuditKeyintKey to Audit dimension for row insertion
UpdateAuditKeyintKey to Audit dim for row last updated
SalesOrderNumintSales order number from trxn system
SalesOrderLineNumintSales order line number
SalesOrderRevisionNumtinyintSales order revision number
OrderQtysmallintQuantity of this item in this order
UnitPriceUSDmoneyStandard price for this item
ExtendedAmtUSDmoneyPrice * Quantity
UnitPriceDiscountPctfloatDiscount % applied to this line item in this order, if any
DiscountUSDmoneyDiscount in US Dollars
ProductStdCostUSDmoneyProduct's cost of goods sold
TotalProductCostUSDmoneyCOGS * Quantity
SalesAmtUSDmoneyExtendedAmt adjusted for discounts (LineTotal from the trxn system)
SalesAmtLocalmoneySales Amount, in local currency
TaxUSDmoneyTax Amount, prorated across items in the order
TaxLocalmoneyTax Amount, in local currency
FreightUSDmoneyFreight Amount, prorated across items in the order
FreightLocalmoneyFreight Amount, in local currency
CustomerPONumvarcharPurchase Order Number from the transaction system

Internal data warehouse auditing attributes

Column NameData Type